Monthly Digest of Chinese Documentaries | May, 2018






Every Treasure Tells a Story


       Keywords: Cultural heritage, History

  Length: 5 min, 100 episodes

  Release Date: January 1, 2018

  Produced by: CCTV, State Administration of Cultural Heritage

  Chief Director: Xu Huan

  Synopsis: The documentary Every Treasure Tells a Story reveals the connotations and stories of the precious cultural relics collected by state-owned museums. It is presented in a relaxing and lively style. There are 100 episodes in total, and each five-minute episode gives an introduction to a historical relic. The documentary provides an opportunity for audience to learn about the stories behind those cultural treasures. It has become a new "online celebrity" and gained popularity among young people.


了不起的匠人 3

The Great Shokunin 3


       Keywords: Craftsmanship, Art

  Length: 20 min, 12 episodes

  Release Date: January 18, 2018

  Produced by: Cicada Modern, Youku

  Chief Director: Li Zhenya

  Synopsis: The Great Shokunin presents the superb craftsmanship in various art fields, which inspires modern people and gives them inner peace. In the third season, the documentary focuses on the topic of “master and pupil”. It introduces twelve beautiful masterpieces made by talented craftsmen, and explores how they pass down their technique and spirit with the “hand to hand” teaching method. From the stories of those masters and pupils, the audience will know about the life philosophy of these craftsmen and the legends that happen among them.



Lady of the Harbour


    Keywords: Refugees, Overseas Chinese

  Length: 87 min

  Release Date: November 19, 2017

  Produced by: Zhao Jia, Muyi Film

  Director: Sean Wang

  Synopsis: This is a refreshing documentary about a Chinese community involved in helping immigrants. Suzanna Chen, a gutsy Chinese woman, arrived in Greece in the early 1990s, who encountered many hardships during the illegal crossing of borders, but was helped with unexpected generosity. Now, after 30 years of living in Greece, she leads a group of Chinese volunteers to help refugees – they help navigate incoming boats, distribute blankets and dry clothing, and cook rice for the new arrivals. It is her way to express thanks to her second home, and to improve the Greeks’ perception of China.



Turtle Rock


       Keywords: Family, Countryside

  Length: 101 min

  Release Date: November 22, 2017

  Produced by: Lin Lin

  Director: Xiao Xiao

  Synopsis: Turtle Rock is a tiny mountain village of seven households with uncontaminated natural beauty. The camera focuses on the life of a family, and records their daily life as they chop spices or firewood, carry huge trunks of bamboo on their shoulders or unhurriedly make an iron pipe from an old tube—here, everything is recycled. But grandma, her son and grandson, being isolated from the modern world, are experiencing evolving dilemmas and struggles.



The Tale Of Chinese Medicine


       Keywords: Traditional Chinese medicine

  Length: 40 min, 10 episodes

  Release Date: May 20, 2016

  Produced by: Shanghai Mediadoing Co., Ltd

  Chief Director: Gan Chao, Zheng Bo

  Synopsis: The Tale of Chinese Medicine, the first documentary series for traditional Chinese medical culture, is an exquisite documentary illuminating the mysterious medical heritage. By exploring authentic Chinese medicine, recording herbal processing skills and introducing medicinal principles, it expounds the profound culture behind traditional Chinese medicine. It leads readers deep into the splendid world of traditional Chinese medicine.

The End
